Roger Waters responds to attempts to boycott his German shows with more antisemitism

Roger Waters
Roger Waters

Roger Waters has encountered opposition in Germany, with some political figures calling on German venues to cancel his tour because of his antisemitism.

Uwe Becker, the antisemitism commissioner in the central state of Hesse, commented that Waters had “developed more and more into a hateful opponent of Israel.”

“For years, Waters has been using his reputation to agitate against the Jewish state in a defamatory way and to question its legitimacy,” Becker said. “Waters is a bad example of aggressive, Israel-related antisemitism and he should therefore not be given an artistic platform in Hesse.”

And it is not just Uwe Becker. Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) and the city’s deputy mayors, Verena Dietl (SPD) and Katrin Habenschaden (Greens), have expressed similar views.

And how has Waters responded? By showing just how antisemitic he truly is.

I’ve heard there is a rumor going round that I may not be coming to Germany on my European tour, because of opposition from the Israeli Lobby. RUBBISH! I WOULDN’T MISS MY GIGS IN GERMANY FOR ANYTHING!

The Mayor of Munich and some members of the Green and SDP political parties and some other mouthpieces for the Israeli lobby have been slandering me, accusing me of being an antisemite and also a Putin apologist. I am neither of those things. Never have been and never will be. I am however well-known for being a passionate supporter of peace movements in general and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as signed in Paris on the 10th of December 1948 in particular. That document has 30 articles, they are readily available, if you haven’t read them please do. Particularly Olaf Scholz, and the Mayor of Munich and the rest of the German Political Ruling Class. What upsets these people is that along with the Universal Declaration to which I refer, I support equal human rights for all my brothers and sisters all over the world irrespective of their ethnicity or religion or nationality. That means I support basic human rights for you all, including Olaf Scholz and the mayor of Munich, to the same extent that I support basic human rights for all the peoples of the Levant, an area that would include what is now called Israel and Palestine and the Occupied Territories and Gaza. The problem is that whole area is being run by force as an apartheid settler colonialist enterprise by one ethno/religious group, the Jewish State of Israel, at the expense of basic human rights, including but not limited to the right to life and to own property, of all the people indigenous or not who make up the population of all those lands, but who are not of the Jewish faith. This is unacceptable. If your government thinks it is acceptable, or if you do, ask yourselves this, how would you feel if it were you? Your mother, your father, your son, your daughter, your house, your land, your olive tree that your great grandfather planted hundreds of years ago?

Your Ruling Class and your media want to ban me from bringing my message of love and peace and revolution to enrich your lives. WELL I’M COMING, and together we will raise the roof on this charade, this looking the other way, as one ethnic group commits slow genocide upon another. When Elie Wiesel, describing the holocaust, said, “To stand by silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.” Maybe he was wrong, maybe an even greater sin is to stand by and applaud.



Waters is suggesting the politicians opposing his performing in Germany are mere puppets of an all-powerful lobby for the Jewish state of Israel.

Same energy:

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