Russia – A Russian senior official made an antisemitic remark

Aleksei Pavlov

Moscow – Lieutenant General Aleksei Pavlov, assistant secretary of the National Security Council of Russia, referred today in the popular newspaper Argumenty i Fakry (Аргументы и Факты) to “the spread of sects that harm the national-Pravoslav character of Ukraine”.

Along with the Christian-Protestant sects, the senior Russian Farid mentioned the Chabad movement, “a sect that advocates the supremacy of its followers over all peoples and nations” to which the oligarchs Ihor Kolomoiskii and Voktor Pinchuk belong.

The latter is also the son-in-law of the former president of Ukraine Leonik Kuchma.

Rabbi Baruch Gorin, head of the foreign relations department of the Federation of Jewish Organizations of Russia (Chabad) defines Pavlov as “the creator of the new blood libel.

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