UK – antisemitic content in an online course

Antisemitic and false information in an online dental course. (photo credit: Dental assistant)

London – A dental assistant from the UK was asked to attend an online course, where she was surprised to be exposed to antisemitic and false content.

“As part of the course, we learned about signs of abuse, and it was written that Jews circumcise girls, a fact that is not true and even antisemitic,” the assistant, whose name has been withheld from publication, Maariv.

“I was shocked and posted it on the Jewish Britain Facebook group.”

The Maariv reporter contacted the Bupa regarding this, and they responded: “We thank you for bringing this to our attention. The course was prepared by a third party and was not reviewed by us. We have now instructed that this offensive content be taken down. We apologize to those who were harmed by this.”

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