UK – Undercover reporter discovers horrific holocaust denier group in Southport

Father Brendan King. Photo: The Recusant.
Father Brendan King. Photo: The Recusant.

Southport – A high profile journalist from Liverpool has reported how he went undercover at a Holocaust denying extremist Catholic sect in Southport.

Investigative journalist Harry Shukman has revealed how he recently went undercover at a fringe church led by a Holocaust denier.

Shockingly the group were gathering at an unassuming house in the Marshide area of Southport.

They are reportedly part of a infamously controversial called the Society of St Pius X Resistance.

The property, which hasn’t been directly identified, is described as a ‘gorgeous old house’ owned by a husband and wife duo, who have built an adjoining chapel onto the property.

Within the chapel Shukman uncovers a shocking congregation of Holocaust denying anti-Semitic worshipers who were present at a sermon by infamous Holocaust denier Father Brendan King.

To read the full article click here

In an extract from the Liverpool Post piece, Shukman writes: “Father King, who leads a small congregation of ultra-traditional Catholics in Southport, says Jews currently have “the upper hand” in their battle against the church but the power of God will ultimately win. “We are fighting, combating these forces all the time,” he says. “They’re very, very powerful. But the thing is, they can’t succeed. The gates of hell, the powers of evil, the Devil will not prevail against the church.”

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