Italy – Swastikas and antisemitic writings at Cassini high school

Genoa – Swastikas and antisemitic writings found yesterday on the walls of the Cassini high school in Genoa. The complaint comes from the Network of middle students. 

“The school should be the place where a critical sense develops and not the place where the darkest period of our history is exalted, during which the critical sense was instead repressed – attacks Francesco Devoti, metropolitan coordinator of the Student Network – these writings are an insult to the whole world of education and question the school as a place of democratic freedom and social participation. It is unacceptable to see such acts, those responsible and responsible are found and action taken. This unprecedented fact is very serious”.

The episode takes place a few hours after the news of the antisemitic writings on the shutter of a pastry shop in via Bertuccioni , in Marassi.

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