Annual Assessment – The situation and dynamics of the Jewish people, 2022

The situation and dynamics of the Jewish people, 2022
The situation and dynamics of the Jewish people, 2022

A retreat in the state of the Jewish people in a number of indicators, both in the intra-Jewish arena and in the arena of relations between Jews and the rest of the world, requires consideration and treatment, according to the annual assessment for 2022 published by the Jewish People’s Policy Institute.

The institute publishes its assessment of the state of the Jewish people, emphasizing five main dimensions: geopolitics, material resources, relations between communities, identity and identification, and demography.

According to the findings of the report compiled and edited by Shmuel Rosner, and the main points of which were presented at the cabinet meeting by the president of the institute, Prof. Yedidia Stern, and the former chairman of the institute, Ambassador Dennis Ross, in 2015 the Jewish people did not make progress in dealing with the main problems that challenge it in a number of indicators. According to Prof. Stern, “In addition to the required treatment of the external threats that threaten the State of Israel from Iran, and the Jewish people as a whole with the rise of anti-Semitism, it is also important to address the internal threat of the lack of cohesion – both between the parts of society in Israel and in the relations between the State of Israel and the Jews outside of it.”

The annual assessment indicates an alarming increase in the antisemitism index, which appears to be a chronic phenomenon that is not going to disappear from the world.

More than half of the Jews in the US (53%) report that they feel less safe as Jews than they did five years ago. In France, political Islam on the one hand and the progressive fringes on the other are infected with increasing anti-Semitism. In Germany, it turned out that between a quarter and a third of the entire population agree, both openly and By implication, with anti-Semitic clichés. For example, 59% of the right-wing party agreed with the statement: “What the Jews are doing to the Palestinians today is not at all different from what the Nazis did to the Jews.” 40% of all Jewish respondents reported that they were denied, pushed, or threatened in one way or another during the year the passing

The organization calls on the government to order as soon as possible the establishment of an integrated, action-oriented action headquarters, which will closely monitor the dimensions of anti-Semitism, evaluate threats and risks, and accordingly initiate initiatives with governments, communities and relevant parties in the various fields.

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