USA – West Hollywood adopts IHRA antisemitism definition

During the regularly scheduled September 19, 2022 meeting, the West Hollywood City Council voted unanimously to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance working definition of antisemitism. ICAN and partner organizations advocated strongly in support of this historic move.

“The IHRA definition of antisemitism is an important tool in the fight against Jew-hatred,” said Dillon Hosier, ICAN CEO. “Our Jewish communities are diverse, and the means of discrimination targeting these communities are just as varied. This definition serves to educate our community leaders, law enforcement, and elected officials in the best ways to prevent hate and violence targeting the Jewish people.”

West Hollywood Councilmember Lindsey P. Horvath announced her intention to introduce an agenda item calling for the City to adopt the IHRA definition at the Combating Antisemitism Summit held on August 25, 2022. The Combating Antisemitism Summit in West Hollywood featured stories of Jewish residents who faced hate and discrimination due to their identity, highlighted the importance of defining antisemitism, and presentations from the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles and the ADL.

“The rise of antisemitism is disturbing, and we need to make sure that we are framing a conversation that we can have safely in our community,“ said Lindsey P. Horvath, West Hollywood Councilmember. “I hope that we will continue to have informed conversation about what antisemitism has looked like in our community, so we are able to root it out. I am grateful that people are taking this issue seriously and helping to highlight how we as a community can be better partners because Jewish people and Israeli-Americans should not be having this conversation on their own.”

West Hollywood Mayor Lauren Meister introduced the council item ensuring the City cosponsored the Combating Antisemitism Summit.

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