Germany – Annual report 2021: Antisemitic incidents in Lower Saxony

Annual report 2021: Antisemitic incidents in Lower Saxony
Annual report 2021: Antisemitic incidents in Lower Saxony

The Lower Saxony Research and Information Center (RIAS) documented a total of 131 antisemitic incidents in 2021. The incidents include attacks, threats and property damage.

These included two attacks, 11 threats, 21 damage to Jewish property or places of remembrance of the Shoah, one mass letter and 96 cases of abusive behavior.

Like 2020, 2021 was also marked by the pandemic. Around a third, 33% of the cases were related to COVID-19. Also due to the Corona protests and anti-Israel gatherings, antisemitism in the offline area took place most frequently on the streets with 60 incidents (46%). The most widespread form of antisemitic articulation was post-Shoah antisemitism. It occurred in 52% of the incidents and expressed itself, for example, in a perpetrator-victim reversal or forms of Shoah relativization. Stereotypes of Israel-related antisemitism were used in 30%. In antisemitic Othering, Jews are described as alien or not belonging

when people or institutions are insulted as “Jews”. This happened 27% of the time.

The cases that have become known to RIAS can only depict part of the reality. A large number of unreported antisemitic incidents can be assumed.

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