UK – Teen sentenced for attacking rabbi outside Chigwell synagogue

Souraka Djabouri
Souraka Djabouri

A man who attacked a rabbi with a brick has been sentenced to three years and seven months in a young offender institute.

Rabbi Rafi Goodwin was driving in Chigwell, Essex, on 16 May 2021, when two men walked into the path of his car, forcing him to brake.

The men then attacked him and stole his phone, Chelmsford Crown Court heard.

Rabbi Rafi Goodwin

Souraka Djabouri, 19, was sentenced for grievous bodily harm without intent, which he previously admitted.

Djabouri, of Tudor Crescent, Ilford, London, also admitted religiously aggravated damage to Mr Goodwin’s vehicle and theft of a mobile phone.

The second attacker has not been identified.

The court previously heard the attack took place outside the Chigwell and Hainault United Synagogue in Limes Avenue.

It was witnessed by children who were in the car at the time.

Mr Goodwin was punched in the face five times face until he fell to the floor and was struck on the head with a brick, Friday’s hearing was told.

“The reason for this behaviour was the fact you and your associate recognised Mr Goodwin was a member of the Jewish faith,” sentencing judge Recorder Richard Conley told Djabouri.

“It’s nothing short of miraculous that Mr Goodwin didn’t sustain life-threatening or life-changing injuries.”

The judge said the number of attacks on members of the Jewish community in this country had become “increasingly and worryingly commonplace”.

The court heard Mr Goodwin had “fully recovered” from his injuries but since the attack has been “hypervigilant about who’s around me” and “looking over my shoulder”.

During mitigation, it was heard Djabouri showed a “genuine level of remorse”.

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