USA – Jewish man viciously beaten on NYC subway in blatant antisemitic attack

The Jewish man who was attacked on the NYC subway, July 2022.
The Jewish man who was attacked on the NYC subway, July 2022.

Manhattan, NY – A Jewish man was attacked by an anti-Semitic thug on the NYC subway this week.

Former Assemblyman Dov Hikind sat down with the victim on Tuesday to hear his story.

According to the victim, he was sitting on the E train when a group of young men entered the train car with speakers. While one of them was doing a flip, he stepped on the victim’s foot, causing him to grimace in pain.

In response, the young man, who was African-American, turned to the victim and said “Stop recording me, give me the phone you Jew.”

Without warning, he suddenly punched the victim in the face causing blood to gush out of lip and onto his face, arms and clothing.

There were approximately a dozen people in the train car aside from the group of dancers, but not one of them moved to defend him or even say a word.

On his way out of the train car, the attacker told the victim, “If I had a gun I would shoot you.”

The victim says he is still in physical pain from the horrific assault, and still feels pain while he is on painkillers.

He says that at the moment he is scared to ride the subway, and will have to find alternate arrangements to get to work.

However, he says that although he was attacked for being Jewish, he would not take off his Yarmulke to try to hide his Jewishness.

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