Germany – Documenta 15: More antisemitic images surfaced

An anti-Semitic cartoon in a brochure from the Archives of Women's Struggle in Algeria. Among other things, a blond woman kneed a hook-nosed Jew in the groin. Feet in the background on the right indicate how a Jew rapes an Arab person Photo: Twitter/WerteInitiative
An anti-Semitic cartoon in a brochure from the Archives of Women's Struggle in Algeria. Among other things, a blond woman kneed a hook-nosed Jew in the groin. Feet in the background on the right indicate how a Jew rapes an Arab person Photo: Twitter/WerteInitiative

Kassel – The scandal surrounding antisemitic images at the Documenta never ends. After the resignation of general director Sabine Schormann, new motives emerged that spread hatred of Jews.

It’s been eleven days since Sabine Schormann, the general director of the Documenta, drew conclusions from the antisemitism scandal at the art show and resigned from her post. Her successor, Alexander Fahrenholtz, believed that “the Documenta as an exhibition is on an excellent course”. But he was obviously a bit hasty with his assessment: the scandal is not over yet.

As the “Bild” newspaper reports, the research and information center for antisemitism in Hesse (RIAS Hessen) has published photos of brochures in which Israeli soldiers are portrayed in antisemitic terms. One of the pictures shows how a blond woman kicks a Jew with a hooked nose. According to the “WerteInitiative. Jewish-German Positions” these caricatures serve “obviously anti-Jewish clichés”.

This motif shows a Jewish soldier with a Star of David helmet threatening an innocent child. 
In the background you can see a mass grave from which the hands of the victims are sticking out. 
It is insinuated that Jewish soldiers have carried out a massacre and do not even have sympathy for children. Photo: Twitter/WerteInitiative

The brochure comes from the Algerian collective Presence des Femmes and is said to contain excerpts from a booklet written by a member of the terrorist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

The reactions to this renewed find are devastating: “Despite weeks of debate and warnings, there are other dubious works at Documenta15,” says Floriane Azoulay, the director of the Arolsen Archive, which deals with National Socialist persecution, Nazi forced labor and the Holocaust concerned. “Artistic freedom is a valuable asset. But it must not be misused as a cloak for hatred of any kind.” The American Jewish Committee Berlin is also appalled: “The virulent antisemitism at Documenta15 remains unacceptable and the reaction of those responsible is a disgrace!”

The Values ​​Initiative is particularly harsh on Alexander Fahrenholtz: The interim managing director of the Kunstschau “categorically rejects an examination of the works of art,” it says on Twitter. “With the level of antisemitism at Documenta15, that’s negligent.”

In this antisemitic cartoon, Israeli soldiers marked with the Star of David are depicted as dehumanized robots. Photo: Twitter/WerteInitiative
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