USA – Neo-Nazis gather outside Turning Point USA summit at Tampa Convention Center

Photo by Dave Decker
Photo by Dave Decker

Tampa, FL – The second day of Turning Point USA’s Student Action Summit brought neo-Nazis to downtown’s Tampa Convention Center.

The extremist groups arrived after more than 100 protesters marched from Lykes Gaslight Square Park to the convention center to speak out against recent actions by the Supreme Court, especially the overturning of Roe V. Wade.

Creative Loafing Tampa Bay photographer Dave Decker caught photos of the neo-Nazis waving swastika flags, along with flags that read “DeSantis Country.”

The group distributed flyers, one of which said “every single aspect of abortion is Jewish.”

The flyers say they were distributed by the Goyim Defense League or GDL, which the anti-defamation league describes as an extremist terrorist organization that was responsible dozens upon dozens of antisemitic harassment campaigns across America.
Turning Point spokesperson Andrew Kolvet told CL that TPUSA had no idea who the Nazi groups were or why they turned up outside the convention.

“They have nothing to do with TPUSA, our event, or our students. Our students took the mature route and vacated the space the Nazi flag holders were in. Once that happened, they left,” Kolvet said, adding that TPUSA students also argued with the Nazis before disengaging.

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