USA – Antisemitic flyers found in Carmichael, CA

Antisemitic flyers found in Carmichael, CA
Antisemitic flyers found in Carmichael, CA

Carmichael, CA – Antisemitic leaflets inside plastic bags were once again left at homes in a Carmichael neighborhood, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office confirmed Tuesday.

At least five homes received the bags with leaflets and beans in their driveways, the sheriff’s office said.

The message on the flyers blamed Jewish politicians and leaders for gun control, and what the author of the leaflet called the “Covid agenda.”

“It’s important that someone like me speaks up and says, ‘This is unacceptable,’” Nathaniel Miller, a resident who found one of the leaflets in his front yard, told KCRA 3. “I don’t want my daughter to grow up in a world that has to face this.”

Miller’s next-door neighbor, who wanted to remain anonymous, said she felt like the person behind the flyers wants to “terrorize people.”

Officials are investigating and there are no suspects at this time. The sheriff’s office said their federal partners are also investigating.

This latest incident isn’t the first time white supremacist flyers have been left in neighborhoods in this area.

In October 2021, Aryan Brotherhood leaflets in plastic bags with rice inside were left at several homes. Schools in the area were also targeted with the flyers.

Only days later, pictures of Adolf Hitler were posted on a Carmichael synagogue, covering the Menorah and fencing surrounding the area.

In March 2022, the Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office sentenced Nicholas Wayne Sherman to 180 days in county jail and two years of probation in connection to the two incidents.

He pled to a felony count of desecrating a religious symbol and to a misdemeanor count of terrorism by symbol.

The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office confirmed with KCRA 3 on Tuesday that Sherman served 100 of the 180 days he was sentenced and has been released from their custody.

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