Germany – Antisemitism at demonstration in Aschaffenburg

Aschaffenburg – The group “Aschaffenburg stands up” (“Aschaffenburg steht auf”), which usually conducts corona demonstrations, which antisemitic incidents occur at them again and again, led a protest against the visit of Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder to the “Day of the Franks” in Aschaffenburg.

At the demonstration, among other things, the song “Go to Hell” (“Fahr zur Hölle”) by the far-right band “Zillertaler Virenjäger” was played.

The text refers to the corona pandemic and measures to contain it as a “satanic-kabbalist plan”.

In conspiracy ideological circles, the Hebrew word becomes “Kabbala” (or “Kabbalah”, a mystical tradition in Judaism) used as a name for an alleged secret, often Jewish-known, international elite. These are secretly controlling the fate of the world. This notion is based on the imagination of the Jewish world conspiracy, so it follows an anti-Semitic thought pattern.

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