USA – Antisemitic flyers found in St. Augustine, FL

Antisemitic flyers found in St. Augustine, FL (Screenshot)
Antisemitic flyers found in St. Augustine, FL (Screenshot)

St. Augustine, FL – More antisemitic flyers are being found in driveways and lawns; this time in St. Johns county

A small neighborhood in St. Augustine was inundated with the fliers when someone dropped them off in nearly every driveway; and neighbors tell me they have nothing in common with whoever did this.

One neighbor, Jim Hickoc, told us it was surprising to everyone. Saying, “It was most unfortunate. Those are the kinds of things that we don’t certainly appreciate and certainly don’t agree with.”

The fliers, which have offensive caricatures and stereotypes on them, were dropped off in people’s driveways. Once one neighbor saw them, they picked them up.

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