USA – Travel Blogger Rezaul Bahar calls Jews “Hyenas”

Travel Blogger Rezaul Bahar
Travel Blogger Rezaul Bahar Calls Jews “Hyenas”

Rezaul Bahar is part of a couple that travels the world and writes and vlogs their experiences. He has even written a book about Antarctica.

Truth be told, their following is not huge. On social media, they have a combined total of approximately 17,500 followers, mostly on their Facebook page. But their YouTube channel only has 66 followers as of the time of this post.

Rezaul Bahar is, an antisemite. Not a very smart one, but one nonetheless.

While he complains about having to go through security questioning (because lets face it, if you want effective security, you don’t grill the little old ladies from Florida as much as the Middle Eastern looking folk), the hypocrite has no problem dehumanizing the Jewish people, comparing us to hyenas. And yes, while he writes “Israelis,” he is not smart enough to cover his tracks, making it clear he really does mean Jews.

There are deep reasons why Israelis suffered throughout the history, kicked out from their homeland countless times in past 1000s of years, even in recent modern history.

This is my opinion about the state of Israel. Israelis are like hyenas. When they are in your neighborhoods, they are wonderful harmless people, pose no threat, you would love living around them. But once they are inside their den, built a community (Israel) they turn into wild hyenas.

And there is of course the antisemitic trope

Behind all this, only few would realize the work was done by western media, owned/influenced by the entity associated with Israel

Perhaps you are one of the 17,500 people following this couple around the world, or know someone who is. This is why I have written about this low-life – I want to make sure any sponsorship dries up and his next trip is to pick up a welfare check.

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