USA – Antisemitic flyers found in Manchester, NH

This flyer was found on Vinton Street inside a Ziploc bag weighted with popcorn kernels. Photo/Carol Robidoux
This flyer was found on Vinton Street inside a Ziploc bag weighted with popcorn kernels. Photo/Carol Robidoux

Manchester, NH – Ross Terrio wasn’t sure what he was looking at when he saw a Ziploc bag on the edge of his lawn Friday morning. Trash, maybe, but yet, it looked more deliberate.

When he investigated further, he found it to be a folded flier tucked in a sandwich-size bag associating prominent Jewish people to “the COVID Agenda” on one side, and a pro-Trump slogan, “Let’s Go Brandon,” and a dozen high-ranking govenment officials, who are Jewish, on the other side. After checking with some of his neighbors he found he wasn’t the only one.

So he posted photos of the bag and its contents on the Ward 7 Facebook page: “Crazy conspiracy theory Kook alert: Be on the lookout for unhinged antisemite’s dropping off pamphlets blaming Covid on Jewish people.”

Then, he called Manchester police, who told him they were already aware of the fliers, calls with similar reports were coming in from across the city.

In a North End neighborhood, the same delivery system, a Ziploc sandwich bag weighted down with unpopped popcorn kernels, contained a different flier, this one pointing to Jewish members of the U.S. Congress and Senate who over the years had “written, introduced and co-sponsored” federal gun control laws.

There is a reference to a website,, which is associated with The Goyim Defense League, described by the Anti-Defamation League as a loose national network of people who spread antisemitic ideology.

A flier found by someone in Manchester’s North End Friday morning. Similar delivery system, a Ziploc weighted with popcorn kernels, different anti-Semitic messaging.
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