USA – Antisemitic flyers found in Horry County, NC

Antisemitic flyers found in Horry County, NC. Courtesy: Conway Police Department
Antisemitic flyers found in Horry County, NC. Courtesy: Conway Police Department

Horry County, NC – More antisemitic flyers were put on yards in Horry County, this time in the Carolina Forest community.

Flyers were previously distributed in Surfside Beach and Conway. It caused concern in the Jewish community.

One image that has been distributed shows Disney board members and each one has a Star of David on their forehead. The flyer reads “Every single aspect of Disney child grooming is Jewish.” The flyers were folded up in plastic baggies with candies, rice or beans to hold it down.

Hines Pegram, a congregational leader at Melech Ha Olam, said he is not happy about it.

“It is not good for humanity, not good for themselves as well as not good for our community,” he said. “It has to be a source of not knowing, a source of ignorance. I don’t know that, I don’t know the minds of these people but may they be stopped.”

Recent neighborhoods that found the flyers are Spring Lakes, Covington Lakes, Walker Woods and others.

Pegram also shared what he would say to the person, or people, who took part in these actions.

“I would say I would pray for you, this person and I would say why? We cannot hate our brothers, we cannot do vile things against God and against each other but we are supposed to love each other. Include all people of all faiths, all races, all nations,” Pegram said.

He said people should stay aware and united.

“Keep ourselves aware and alert so we can hopefully stop a crime before it happens and not segregate and bring harm to others,” he said.” We can have a better community when we come together.”

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