USA – ADL combat plan to fight antisemitism


Antisemitism is on the rise in the United States and around the world. ADL’s Audit shows that antisemitic incidents are at a historic high with 2,717 acts of assault, harassment and vandalism recorded in the U.S. in 2021, a 34 percent increase over the previous year and the highest level since ADL began tracking antisemitic incidents in 1979.


While there is no single fix to this alarming trend, the ADL COMBAT Plan offers a comprehensive, six-part framework for elected officials and policymakers to take meaningful action to fight antisemitism:

Condemn Antisemitism
Oppose Hate and Extremism Driven by Antisemitism
Make Communities Safe from Antisemitism
Block Antisemitism Online
Act Against Global Antisemitism
Teach about Antisemitism

COMBAT calls on leaders at every level of government to condemn antisemitism, authorize and improve hate crimes laws, stop the spread of antisemitism online and protect Jewish institutions often targeted by antisemitic acts.

ADL’s Three-Pronged Approach to National Advocacy

The COMBAT plan complements ADL’s PROTECT Plan  to fight domestic extremism and REPAIR Plan to address online hate. Together, these three plans – COMBAT, PROTECT and REPAIR—along with ADL’s Democracy Initiative, round out ADL’s national advocacy agenda.  ADL is mobilizing its full resources and capacities in pursuit of these comprehensive policy agendas on the international, national, state and local levels.
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If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of antisemitism, extremism, bias, bigotry or hate, please report it using our incident form below:

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