2021 RIAS Antisemitism incidents report in Germany

Last year, Bundesverband RIAS recorded a total of 2,738 antisemitic incidents, an average of more than seven incidents per day, together with eight RIAS reports nationwide.

The RIAS reporting offices distinguish between six types of antisemitic incidents, depending on type and severity. For 2021, RIAS documented six cases of extreme violence, 63 assaults, 204 cases of targeted damage to or desecration of property, 101 threats, 2,182 cases of abusive behaviour (including 449 gatherings) and 182 mass mailings. The total number of antisemitic incidents recorded was 2,738, almost 40 % higher than in 2020 (1,957 incidents).

The analysis of the incidents shows that, in 2021, people continued to use certain occasions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Arab-Israeli conflict, to express their antisemitism, sometimes violently. For the victims, this meant an increase in potential danger.

In 2021, the RIAS offices documented significantly more cases of violent antisemitism than in the previous year, including incidences of extreme violence.

In addition to cases of extreme violence, the RIAS reporting offices documented a total of 63 assaults in 2021. Almost 60 % (37 cases) were classified as antisemitic othering, this is, the victims were antisemitically confronted because of their (assumed or actual) Jewishness or addressed as not belonging to the respective in-group.

The number of incidents in the categories “targeted damage to or desecration of property” (204 incidents) and “antisemitic threats” (101 incidents) that took place in 2021 was also high.

However, most often antisemitism is expressed in a more low-key fashion, as shown by the persistently frequent cases of abusive behaviour. With 2,182 incidents, this category accounted for almost 80 % of all documented antisemitic incidents in 2021. It includes antisemitic statements but also damage to or smearing of non-Jewish property with antisemitic symbols or slogans.

Read our full 2021 Annual Report below

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