New report reveals: UNRWA teachers call for murder of Jews

UN watch
UN watch

A report released today (Thursday) by the international organization UN Watch reveals 20 new cases in which teachers employed by UNRWA incite violence and antisemitism on social media, Amichai Stein reported for Kan News.

The teachers whose antisemitic incitement was exposed by the report include:

  • Nihaya Awad (UNRWA West Bank computer teacher) Nihaya Awad lists herself as an UNRWA employee. She also posted a letter of appreciation signed by Director of UNRWA Affairs Gwynn Lewis and a Certificate of Appreciation from UNRWA confirming her UNRWA employee status, as well as a photo of herself holding the certificate. She endorses Hamas and incites children to violence.
  • Qusai Mansi (Employee, UNRWA Jordan) – Qusai Mansi lists himself as an UNRWA employee. He has many UNRWA employee friends on Facebook. Mansi equates Zionists with Nazis.
  • Muneera Abu Hadeel (UNRWA Midwife in West Bank), lists herself as a UNRWA employee. She has several UNRWA employee friends on Facebook. Hadeel endorses an antisemitic cartoon in which Israel is depicted as a thieving dog.
  • Elham Mansour (UNRWA Lebanon teacher) Elham Mansour lists herself as a teacher at UNRWA. Her posts are liked by several UNRWA teachers. Mansour incites killing Israelis and Jews in several posts.
  • Hana’a Daoud (UNRWA Jordan teacher) Hana’a Daoud lists herself as a UNRWA teacher. Many of her Facebook friends also list themselves as UNRWA teachers. She praises Hamas, advocates killing Jews, and spreads antisemitism online.
  • Qusai Mansi (Employee, UNRWA Jordan) Qusai Mansi lists himself as an UNRWA employee. He has many UNRWA employee friends on Facebook. Mansi equates Zionists with Nazis.
  • Rula Om Mo’awia (UNRWA Teacher in Jordan) Rula Om Mo’awia lists herself as a teacher at UNRWA. She also has several UNRWA employee friends and teacher friends, further supporting her statement that she is an UNRWA teacher. Mo’awia rejects Israel’s right to exist and incites against Israel in her posts.
  • Sameer Abo Ayyash (Social Worker, UNRWA Jordan) Sameer Abo Ayyash describes himself as a social worker at UNRWA in his Facebook profile. His profile also contains a photo of him teaching or giving a presentation and a photo of students in an UNRWA classroom. Ayyash celebrates the victory of the Taliban terrorist organization, taking lessons for Palestine.
  • Adel Torbani (UNRWA Math Teacher in Jordan) Adel Torbani lists himself as a math teacher at UNRWA. His profile photo shows him sitting at a desk with the UNRWA logo on the wall behind him. He rejects Israel’s right to exist and describes Jews as rapists of the land, deceitful and greedy.
  • Majed Zaben (UNRWA Teacher in Jordan) Majed Zaben states in her profile that she is a teacher at UNRWA. Her profile contains photos of students in an UNRWA classroom. Several of her Facebook friends are also UNRWA teachers.29 She incites against Israel and calls for death to “those collaborating with the Zionists.”
  • Abu Muhammad Fathi Bahar (Employee, UNRWA Lebanon) Abu Muhammad Fathi Bahar lists himself as an UNRWA employee. Several of his Facebook friends also list themselves as UNRWA employees. Bahar supports violence and advocates rejecting peace in favor of violence.

UN Watch calls for an end to the employment of the hundreds of UNRWA teachers in Judea and Samaria, Lebanon and Jordan who incite the murder of Jews. The release of the report coincides with a conference planned today at the UN, with the participation of the United States and other Western countries, in order to secure funding for UNRWA.

In the report, the organization calls on UNRWA’s leading funders – the US, Germany, the UK and the EU – to ensure that none of the $1.2 billion in donations earmarked for the agency will be used to pay teachers who incite violence against Jewish people.

UN Watch also calls for UNRWA to meet the standards and commitment it has set for itself.

“UNRWA should therefore be considered complicit in its staff members’ misconduct” if it fails to properly discipline them, UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer said.

“Around the world, educators who incite hate and violence are removed. Yet UNRWA, despite proclaiming ‘zero tolerance’ for incitement, systematically employs preachers of anti-Jewish hate and terrorism.

“We call on the governments that fund UNRWA, as they gather at the United Nations to announce new pledges, to declare that they will stop enabling a system that teaches new generations of Palestinians to hate and murder Jews.

“Let us be clear: the problem is not the social media posts, but rather the unconscionable employment of teachers who preach antisemitism and terrorism.

“The U.S., EU, Germany, UK, Canada and other donor states cannot morally send more money to UNRWA until it shows a genuine commitment to basic norms of education in its schools. This means the agency must publicly condemn UNRWA employees who incite terrorism and antisemitism, remove them from their positions, and create an independent and impartial investigation of all of its staff.”

“A mere slap on the wrist to teachers of hate only sends the message that it’s business as usual. Instead, those who incite to racism or murder should be fired, under a zero-tolerance policy, just as the UK government banned a teacher from the classroom for life over an antisemitic Facebook post,” said Neuer.

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