Germany – 2021 antisemitic incidents in Cologne

2021 antisemitic incidents in Cologne
2021 antisemitic incidents in Cologne

It is the first annual report by the Cologne Reporting Office for Antisemitic Incidents at the Specialist Unit (m2) in the NS Documentation Center (NS-Dok) of the City of Cologne and by Daniel Vymyslicky, who emphasized the focus is on the victims. 55 incidents are a clear sign that the facility in the NS-DOK is correct.

On 91 pages, the report documents antisemitic incidents in Cologne 2021 without claiming to be complete. Because only what is reported or researched by Vymyslicky finds its way into the statistics, which are always backed by people, those affected, but also perpetrators. Antisemitism was documented in 8 out of 9 Cologne districts in 2021. Vymyslicky finds clear words: “The question of which political background emanates from the greatest anti-Semitic danger in Cologne cannot yet be answered on the basis of these first figures. Overall, however, it is clear that antisemitism is also a problem that affects all milieus in Cologne and cannot be reduced to a specific political motivation. Regardless of the motivation, any antisemitic incident is always one too many.”

24 individuals and 11 institutions were affected. Most of the documented incidents of the perpetrators could be attributed to people with a right-wing extremist background. This was the case in 12 cases. In 7 cases, an ideological conspiracy environment played a role and in three cases Islamist or anti-Israeli motivations.

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