Germany – Cyber ​​extremism: extremists on Telegram and TikTok

Current developments in cyber extremism Advance publication from the 2021 Office for the Protection of the Constitution

According to the findings of the Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution, extremists are increasingly spreading their propaganda on the Internet and in the messenger service Telegram. The constitutional protection officers warn that this is intended to radicalize young users in particular.

The Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution warns against the spread of right-wing extremist propaganda via the messenger service Telegram and the social network Tiktok. Corona deniers related to Brandenburg had spread conspiracy myths and false news about the corona virus and vaccinations on Telegram, according to a preliminary report by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution on cyber extremism published on Wednesday. In the social network Tiktok, which is particularly popular with young people, the intelligence officers observed postings with antisemitic and racist content.

“The Internet is increasingly becoming the central field of agitation for extremists,” said Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU). “The corresponding propaganda and related criminal offenses accumulate there.” The beginning of a problematic process can be observed. “The Office for the Protection of the Constitution is facing up to this threat and is making an important contribution to protecting our democracy.” The complete report by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution is to be presented next Monday.

The interior ministry said the anti-Semitic and extremist messages were spread across social media and often only recognized at second glance. “With this tactic, extremists want to lure young people and children in particular, for example on Tiktok,” the ministry said. “And they should be encouraged to spread such postings among their friends and acquaintances.” The goal is a gradual radicalization of the recipients.

According to the report, right-wing extremists, including Compact, “The Third Way”, the “Zukunft Heimat” association and the Brandenburg state association of the AfD also maintained their own channels for building networks. The Brandenburg AfD has been observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution since June 2020 as a suspected right-wing extremist.

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