Iran – Khamenei: ‘Zionist capitalists’ plague for world even before Israel

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei
Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei

Teheran – Zionism is a plague for the world of Islam and “Zionist capitalists” were a plague for the whole world, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said during a speech on Wednesday.

“Today, Zionism is an obvious plague for the world of Islam,” said Khamenei, according to a transcript on his English-language website. “The Zionists have always been a plague, even before establishing the fraudulent Zionist regime. Even then, Zionist capitalists were a plague for the whole world. Now they’re a plague especially for the world of Islam.”

The Iranian supreme leader called for “the plague of Zionism” to be “exposed” in any way possible.

“​Muslim nations oppose the normalization of relations with the Zionists, clench their fists and shout slogans against states seeking normalization,” added Khamenei. “The Zionist regime exploits these states. They don’t realize it, but we hope they realize it before it’s too late.”

The supreme leader made the comments during a meeting with Iranian officials in charge of conducting Hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca.

Khamenei referenced the Iranian citizens and other Muslims embarking on the pilgrimage, demanding that Saudi Arabia assure the security of all pilgrims, especially those from Iran. He warned against allowing “past tragedies” to be repeated.

The supreme leader also asked that Saudi Arabia reconsider the financial costs of the pilgrimage, after a recent increase in costs.

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