Germany – Antisemitic incidents in Thuringia 2021

Antisemitic incidents in Thuringia 2021v
Antisemitic incidents in Thuringia 2021

RIAS Thuringia presented the evaluation of antisemitic incidents in 2021 in the form of an annual report. RIAS Thuringia documented a total of 212 antisemitic incidents in 2021. Of these, 120 antisemitic incidents alone resulted in two organized actions in the context of the protests against the corona protection measures, which were mostly addressed in the form of emails against two Thuringian institutions. Thus, a total of 141 incidents were linked to the corona pandemic.

Of the 92 remaining incidents, 3 assaults, 13 targeted damages, 1 threat, 56 instances of hurtful behavior and 19 mass depictions were recorded.

Worrying is that all 3 attacks, i.e. physical attacks or attempted attacks without serious physical harm, were corona-related. This illustrates the readiness for violence of the conspiracy ideological Täter:innen to which the Coronaleugner:innen-Milieus can supposedly be attributed.

On average, an antisemitic incident was documented in Thuringia every other day.

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