USA – Antisemitic flyers dropped in Sonoma County town

Antisemitic fliers found in Tampa, FL / Illustration
Antisemitic fliers found in Tampa, FL / Illustration

Windsor, CA – Dozens of antisemitic flyers in plastic baggies weighed down with sand were found in a residential area of the Sonoma County town of Windsor on Tuesday, according to reports on the site Nextdoor, which said the flyers named Jews who work for the CDC and accused Jews of controlling the media.

Steve Gerstle, who lives next to the Windsor neighborhood where the flyers were distributed, said they appeared late Monday night or early Tuesday morning. One resident reported seeing a “suspicious vehicle” driving through the neighborhood just before midnight, he said.

“I picked up and disposed of about 30 that were strewn in our small cul-de-sac. They went to a lot of trouble to distribute their hate,” one resident wrote on Nextdoor.

Windsor Police Chief Mike Raasch released a statement Wednesday night, calling the flyers “incredibly disturbing” but stating that “no crime has been committed.” 

“These flyers go against everything Windsor stands for. We are a town filled with love, respect, and inclusivity,” Raasch wrote. “We will not tolerate hate.”

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