Antisemitism in French and German public opinion – Crossed looks

Fondapol and AJC published a comparative study on antisemitism in German and French opinion.

The methodological device was built according to a logic of crossed views. The survey in Germany was carried out by the Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach and in France by IFOP. The surveys carried out in France in the two countries have the same characteristics in terms of collection method (they were carried out by internet), indicators (the questions were asked identically according to the same method), sampling method (the quota method) and temporality (they were carried out at the same time).

The two surveys were conducted online from December 15, 2021 to January 4, 2022.

Key findings:

What is the origin of antisemtism in your country?

– Far right: 20% French, 43% for German

– Israel hatred: 30% French, 21% German

– Conspiracies: 17% for both

– Islamism: 27% French, 16% for German

“Antisemitism is a problem for all of us, as it concerns the whole society in its entirety”: 73% of Both German and French said Yes

“Antisemitism is a problem only for Jews”: 8% of both German and French said Yes

Others important points:

– Between a quarter and a third of Germans and French people share antisemitic prejudices.

– 7% of Germans and 5% of French express antipathy towards Jews. Among Muslims, this figure rises to 22% in Germany and 15% in France.

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