Germany – stumbling stone pasted over in Bad Segeberg

Bad Segeberg – The stumbling stone for Leopold Bornstein, which lies in front of the memorial to the old synagogue in Bad Segeberg, was pasted over.

The sticker reads “Maria (†19) Freiburg”. It is referring to Maria L., who was murdered in Freiburg in 2016. The case attracted a great deal of attention throughout Germany and was exploited by various right-wingers for their racist propaganda.

“You want to draw attention and put the death of Jewish fellow citizens into perspective. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that May 9th was chosen for this,” says Torben Miehle, press officer of the Schleswig-Holstein State Association of Jewish Communities and member of the Bad Segeberg community in Lübecker Nachrichten Online. The date is considered the victory over the German fascists in 1945 and is a public holiday in many eastern countries.

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