USA – Antisemitic flyers found in San Antonio, TX

Credit: KENS 5 Photos shared with KENS 5 show the flyers found.
Credit: KENS 5 Photos shared with KENS 5 show the flyers found

Eagle Bluff, San Antonio, TX – A small plastic bag filled with pebbles is what some residents in the Eagle’s Bluff neighborhood found Saturday morning.

Pictures shared with KENS 5 show what neighbors also discovered inside.

The bag contained an antisemitic flyer about media companies with language and symbols toward Jewish people KENS 5 has chosen to blur out.

We knocked on several doors in the northwest side neighborhood but nobody wanted to speak on camera. However, some bags were still on driveways Sunday afternoon. Others told us they didn’t receive a bag or they had trashed them.

We learned from residents this is the first time they have seen these types of flyers left behind in their neighborhood. However for Mark Toubin, this isn’t his first encounter.

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