USA – Antisemitic flyers found in Kenosha, WI

Kenosha, WI – Homeowners in Kenosha discovered anti-Semitic flyers on their properties on Friday.

The flyers were thrown onto properties in the Lance Park neighborhood, near 80th Street and 47th Avenue.

The flyers were in plastic bags with rocks weighing them down.

Neighbors said Kenosha police officers picked up at least a dozen flyers off people’s properties.

The flyers said things like, ‘Every single aspect of the media is Jewish’ and included photos of major media executives with the Star of David printed on their foreheads.

This is not the first instance of antisemitism in Kenosha. Police confirmed the same situation with the flyers in neighborhoods happened recently elsewhere in Kenosha.

The Anti-Defamation League said the website printed on the flyers, which WISN 12 News is not including in this report, is tied to three similar incidents in Kenosha since November.

The ADL said anti-Semitic events were at an all-time high in 2021, with more than 2,700 incidents reported across the country.

Police did not confirm how they were furthering the investigation.

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