2021 Antisemitism report in Italy

2021 Antisemitism report in Italy
2021 Antisemitism report in Italy

The annual report on antisemitism in Italy by the Observatory of the Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation takes stock of a phenomenon that year after year takes on different contours, while at the same time maintaining deep ramifications in society, in ways that range from generic prejudice to aversion more convinced, from the monosyllabic endorsement of others to planned propaganda to propagate anti-Jewish hatred or even violent action.

Although Italy continues to be a country less exposed than others to more radical antisemitic drifts, which, as the report points out, always go hand in hand with the worst xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic and more generally racist drifts, we must take note that a set of prejudices and feelings hostile to the Jewish world are spreading through society, including a pervasive aversion to the State of Israel, whose denigration and delegitimization is an integral part of the phenomenon and has a return in echo of hatred also towards the Jewish communities.

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