USA – Antisemitic flyers found in South Atlanta

David Goldstein was horrified to discover antisemitic flyers on his car on April 8 in a neighborhood south of downtown Atlanta.
David Goldstein was horrified to discover antisemitic flyers on his car on April 8 in a neighborhood south of downtown Atlanta.

Lakewood Heights, Atlanta, GA – David Goldstein was “absolutely horrified” to discover antisemitic flyers on his car on April 8 when he emerged from shopping in a neighborhood south of downtown Atlanta.

One flyer declared that “Every Single Aspect of the Media is Jewish” and displayed the names and photographs of prominent Jews in the news and entertainment business, some of whom no longer are living. The other declared that “Every Single Aspect of the Ukraine-Russia War is Jewish,” pasting together newspaper headlines, some unrelated to the current conflict.

The bottom of the flyers read: “These Flyers Were Distributed Randomly Without Malicious Intent.”

Goldstein certainly found the flyers malicious. A 69-year-old, retired Atlanta native, Goldstein said that his car was parked on a public street in the Lakewood Heights neighborhood. He also saw that flyers had been placed on several other vehicles.

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