Brazil – Antisemitic flyers found in Copacabana

Antisemitic flyers in Copacabana | reader photo
Antisemitic flyers in Copacabana | reader photo

Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro – The Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro instituted an inquiry to investigate those responsible for the distribution of flyers with hate speech against the Jewish community, in Copacabana, in the southern zone of the capital of Rio de Janeiro. The most recent episode occurred on the afternoon of last Saturday (9), a holy day for the Jews (Shabbat). The pamphlets with the phrase “Judeus – compulsive accumulators of gold, diamonds and dollars” were played in a street next to a synagogue and a Jewish club.

According to the bulletin of occurrence registered in the Delegation of Racial Crimes and Intolerance Crimes (Decradi), around 4:30 p.m., a police car passed by a local and a person who was inside the vehicle threw the folios on the road.

The president of the Israelite Federation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Fierj), Alberto David Klein, disse à CNN that the attack will not intimidate the Jewish community and that the Federation is available to help or work with two investigators.

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