Germany – 93-Year-old Ursula Haverbeck jailed again for Holocaust denial

Ursula Haverbeck with her lawyers / Photo: Olaf Wagner
Ursula Haverbeck with her lawyers / Photo: Olaf Wagner

A Berlin court has sentenced a 93-year-old German woman to 12 months in prison for denying that Jews were systematically murdered during the Holocaust.

The Berlin regional court on Friday rejected an appeal by notorious neo-Nazi Ursula Haverbeck against two convictions for Holocaust denial in 2017 and 2020. Judges ruled that the sentence could not be suspended because Haverbeck had shown no remorse or signs of changing her views during the appeal hearings.

“You are not a Holocaust researcher, you are a Holocaust denier. This is not knowledge that you are spreading, it is poison,” said the presiding judge on Friday in her verdict. Haverbeck was “miles away from the historical truth” and “damages the memories of millions of murdered people”.

Haverbeck has repeatedly asserted that the Auschwitz death camp was just a work camp. In fact, historians say at least 1.1 million Jews were murdered there by the Nazis.

Haverbeck has already paid several fines and served at least 30 months for similar crimes.

The ruling can be appealed.

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