USA – Iowa passes first state antisemitism bill

Governor Reynolds signed two bills into law relating to anti-BDS of Israel and antisemitism on Wednesday.

Bill HF2373 is an act relating to restrictions for companies boycotting Israel and bill HF2220 is an act relating to antisemitism in the state of Iowa.

Reynolds signed the bills during a formal meeting with the Israeli Consul General to the Midwest, Yinam Cohen.

“Today we express Iowa’s enduring support for the State of Israel and our categorical rejection of antisemitism,” said Gov. Reynolds. “Together, these bills send an important message: Iowa continues to stand shoulder to shoulder with the State of Israel, one of America’s most important and reliable allies while fighting all forms of religious and ethnic discrimination.”

”We strongly believe that both Iowa and Israel can continue to work together to create lasting partnerships that are beneficial to both states and local economies. Gov. Reynolds has been steadfast in her support for Israel and she has witnessed firsthand Israel’s achievements in innovation, water technology, medicine, and more” added Cohen.

The American Jewish Committee also released a statement on the signing:

“We thank Governor Reynolds for signing into law a measure that directs Iowa to recognize the globally recognized definition of antisemitism from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. AJC was involved in the original drafting of the definition, which sends an important message that Iowa will take a zero-tolerance approach to anti-Jewish hatred.

We are also grateful that Governor Reynolds signed legislation that restricts the ability of companies that boycott Israel to do business with state agencies. Governor Reynolds has been to Israel and has worked to create lasting partnerships with companies there. This measure affirms the state will not tolerate ethnic and religious discrimination and will strengthen the strong bonds between Iowa and Israel.”

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