USA – Fox Nation’s Lara Logan says Rothschilds paid Darwin to invent evolution theory

Fox Nation presenter Lara Logan / YouTube
Fox Nation presenter Lara Logan / YouTube

New York, NY – Fox Nation presenter Lara Logan suggested that Charles Darwin was paid by the Jewish Rothschild family to invent the theory of evolution during an episode of the right-wing podcast And We Know on Monday.

“Does anyone know who employed Darwin? Where does Darwinism come from?” Logan asked. “Look it up. The Rothschilds.”

“I’m just saying Darwin was hired by someone to come up with a theory based on evidence,” she added before saying that evolution is a chicken or egg debate and cannot be answered scientifically.

The Rothschilds were a prominent wealthy Jewish family who gained their wealth in the late 18th century. Due to its great wealth, the family has featured heavily in antisemitic conspiracy theories about Jews taking over the world based partly on stereotypes of Jews’ relationship with money.

This is not the first time Logan has engaged in antisemitic conspiracy theories and comments. In November, she compared Dr. Anthony Fauci to the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele who conducted horrific experiments on Jews in the concentration camps during a segment on Fox News.

Over the following month, Logan boosted attacks on Holocaust remembrance groups that criticized her comments on social media.

Aside from antisemitism, Logan has also been spreading Russian propaganda since it invaded Ukraine, blaming the invasion on Ukraine and claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin is the “man standing between us and the New World Order.”

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