USA – Flyers in Illinois attribute Ukraine war to Jewish conspiracy

Glenview, IL – An Illinois local official has condemned the distribution of virulently antisemitic flyers in the town of Glenview on the outskirts of Chicago blaming the Russian invasion of Ukraine on a Jewish conspiracy.

Scott Britton, the Commissioner for Cook County, confirmed on Monday that flyers, which also pinned the COVID-19 pandemic on a “Jewish agenda”, had been placed in numerous driveways in the district.

“I am nauseated that someone took the time, during a deadly global pandemic, to create many multiples of these packages and deliver them to residents of the 14th District,” Britton said in a statement. “I condemn these anonymous letters on every level.”

Britton said he was coordinating with the Glenview Police Department, along with the Cook County Sheriff’s Office, to investigate the flyers. “While I am not Jewish, I stand with Jews locally and everywhere. While I am not Ukrainian, I speak out against the war against them,” Britton said. “Hate has no home here.”

The flyers in Glenview bore the hallmarks of the so-called “Goyim Defense League” (GDL), a California-based neo-Nazi group that has carried out a coast-to-coast campaigns during the pandemic involving flyer distribution and demonstrations pushing antisemitic COVID-19 conspiracy theories along with Holocaust denial.

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