USA – Antisemitic flyers found in Napa, CA

Antisemitic flyers found in Bangor, PA / Illustration
Antisemitic fliers found in Squirrel Hill, PA / Illustration

Napa, CA – Streets near a Napa synagogue were littered overnight with flyers bearing a screed linking Jews to “the COVID agenda,” in an act similar to antisemitic leaflet dumps across California and the U.S. in recent weeks, according to Napa Police.

Napa’s central dispatch center began receiving calls at about 7:55 a.m. Thursday about residents of Elm, Oak, Pine, and other streets near Congregation Beth Shalom who found the pamphlets outside their homes, police said in a news release. Officers began interviewing witnesses and checking the vicinity of the synagogue at 1455 Elm St. for surveillance videos, according to the department.

As of Thursday afternoon, there were no known threats to Congregation Beth Shalom or to those who received the flyers, police said.

Police collected several of the more than 100 handbills as evidence, and have determined they have the same titles and messages as anti-Jewish flyers that were discovered in at least three Bay Area cities last weekend, according to Lt. Chase Haag. Napa Police also intends to share any information from physical evidence or security video cameras with other law enforcement agencies in the region, he said.

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