USA – Antisemitic flyers found in Tiburon, CA

Antisemitic flyers found in Bangor, PA / Illustration
Antisemitic fliers found in Squirrel Hill, PA / Illustration

Tiburon, CA – Antisemitic flyers were discovered Sunday in Tiburon and elsewhere in the Bay Area and across the state, police said.

Police in Tiburon received numerous calls from residents about the flyer left near the homes, police spokeswoman Laurie Nilsen said. Nearly 60 residents on Paradise Drive and the Stewart Drive area found baggies containing flyers with antisemitic theories related to COVID-19.

The residences appeared to be chosen at random, police said. There is no known threat of violence associated with the incidents. Police planned to increase patrols in the targeted areas.

Nilsen said the pamphlets made antisemitic statements, named public figures associated with medical professionals and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and appeared to accuse media outlets and pharmaceutical companies of complicity.

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