USA – Antisemitic flyers found in Columbus, GA

Columbus, GA – The Columbus, Georgia Jewish community is being targeted, this comes as antisemitism continues across the nation. What is being called, hateful propaganda was publicized in a Columbus park. This comes less than a month after Jewish Texans were held hostage in a synagogue.

Antisemitic flyers were placed around Columbus’ Lake Bottom park in midtown. Rabbi Shmuel Polin, a prominent leader of the Jewish community in Columbus says hateful handouts like these need to be reported to the anti-defamation league.

Rabbi Polin tells WRBL News it is common for people to not want to speak out for fear of retribution.

A man who discovered the flier while jogging at Lake Bottom park wants to remain anonymous for that very reason. He says, “I’m still a bit rattled by this surprising discovery. I thought our society had moved beyond such racist and antisemitic tropes. Apparently not.”

Rabbi Polin says to eliminate antisemitism the entire community needs to speak out and address acts like this one.

“All too often we have incidents that occur, and when we don’t address it and when it’s not addressed it becomes acceptable. When racism, homophobia, antisemitism becomes acceptable is when we are most vulnerable,” explained Rabbi Polin.

Rabbi Polin says unfortunately he has seen this happen often and although it is alarming and shocking, does not surprise him. Many people think it’s 2022 and this no longer happens.

“You would imagine in Columbus with a smaller Jewish community that we not be targeted but unfortunately we are targeted in large and small cities across the United States.”

Polin says minority communities experience the hate directly, but it impacts the community at large.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed the hate bills crime into law on June 26, 2020. Making hate crimes illegal. Anyone found guilty of committing a hate crime can face jail time and a fine for one of five misdemeanor offenses.

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