USA – Antisemitic flyers found in Palo Alto, CA

Antisemitic flyers found across University of Illinois campus
Antisemitic flyers found across University of Illinois campus

Palo Alto, CA – Antisemitic flyers were found distributed at the homes of residents in Palo Alto on Sunday, a spokesman for the district attorney’s office confirmed.

“Whoever wrote these must be very weak,” District Attorney Jeff Rosen said in a statement. “This county’s strength is its diversity. Their hatred is pitiful. If their hatred crosses the line, they will be prosecuted and held accountable.”

The flyers blame the coronavirus pandemic on Jews and also list off several federal public health employees and pharmaceutical industry executives who are Jewish. They also include the slogan “Let’s go Brandon,” a coded political slogan used to insult President Joe Biden. Similar flyers have been found in San Francisco and in Southern California over the last two months, according to news reports.

“It’s despicable,” said American Jewish Committee Northern California Director Serena Eisenberg. “We hope that people will stand together against any community that is being targeted.”

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