UK – Pro-Israel org attacked by campus anti-Israel mob

Manchester – The head of a pro-Israel organisation was reportedly branded “worse than Hitler” by Palestine activists on a Manchester university campus.

Director of StandWithUs UK (SWU) Charlotte Korchak was confronted by 12 anti-Israel protestors whilst on a stall about antisemitism awareness on Manchester university campus.

Activists also apparently daubed “Israel = Apartheid” and “Free Palestine” on walls outside the student union (SU) building, opposing the stall organised by the university’s Jewish society (Jsoc) with the Union of Jewish Students (UJS) and SWU.

In a statement, Manchester J-Soc said its “members were intimidated by protestors” and “a number of students reported feeling unsafe and concerned”. It said it was contacting the university over the incident, which reportedly led to some Jewish students breaking down in tears.

StandWithUs UK Campus Manager, Raffy Lachter said the “anti-Israel mob surrounded, abused and berated students who were participating in an event aimed at combatting antisemitism- brings shame to Manchester University campus.”

The Palestine society told the campus magazine, The Mancunian, it was “outraged by the University allowing a stall like “Stand With Us”, branding it “a racist Pro-Israeli organisation that promotes propaganda”.

“They persist on denial of the Palestinian plight continues to normalise apartheid and the illegal occupation of Palestine.” It also claimed SWU’s presence “led to discomfort and outrage”.

Jewish News has contacted the University of Manchester for comment.

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