Study in Russia: 13 percent do not want to see Jews

Levada Center
Levada Center

A recently published study suggested that there is still a stable core of antisemites in Russia. 13 percent of respondents do not want to see Jews in Russia at all.

The new data is published by the Levada-Center, an institute based in Russia but labeled as ‘foreign agents’ due to the sensitive points where its research touches.

It should be noted that the figures are indeed worrying – but there is a significant decrease in the number of anti-Semites in Russia compared to the previous decade. In addition, Jews are in the best position among the minorities in Russia, with many more opposing Chechens, Uzbeks, Tajiks, gypsies and more.

The data:

To the question: “Would you be willing to see Jews in family circles?”, 13% answered in the affirmative (compared to only 2% in 2010), while to the question: “Would you be willing to see Jews as close friends?”, 11% answered in the affirmative (compared to 3% in 2010).

The pollsters also asked, “Would you be willing to live next door to Jews?” And were answered in the affirmative by 14% of the respondents (compared to 8% in 2010). On the other hand, in the question “Were you willing to work alongside Jews?”, There was a decrease in the number of positive respondents (7%, compared to 9% in 2010).

The most sensitive question is whether to grant Russian citizenship to Jews: “Would you be willing to see Jews among Russian citizens?”. To this question 27% answered in the affirmative, and this figure has not changed significantly over the last decade.

Survey participants were then asked “Would you be willing to give Jews a temporary entry permit to Russia?”, Here too there is a decrease in the number of respondents in the affirmative. Only 9% (compared to 17% as of 2010).

13 percent of all respondents claimed that they would not have allowed Jews to enter Russia at all, although this is a decrease compared to 2010, when 17% said so. That year, there were 16% who refrained from answering these questions, compared to 6% now.

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