USA – Holocaust-denying flyers dropped in East Bay

Iron Horse Regional Trail, where the latest flyers were found
Iron Horse Regional Trail, where the latest flyers were found.

Danville, CA – Antisemitic flyers left on Iron Horse Regional Trail, in the East Bay town Wednesday night, relate wildly fabricated propaganda about the Holocaust alongside a photograph of the train tracks leading to Auschwitz.

Among the egregious falsehoods in the leaflets are the notion that it is “statistically impossible” for 6 million Jews to have been murdered; the claim that 6 million Jews “did not even live in German occupied territory” during the war; the notion that Zyklon B, the deadly poison used in Nazi gas chambers, was in fact a “delousing agent” used to combat typhus; and a wild mischaracterization of Nazi concentration camps as not grim prisons but hospitable locales with “amenities such as movie theatres, soccer fields and ice cream parlors.”

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