Germany – Antisemitic lettering at a bus stop in Schmalkalden

Schmalkalden – Antisemitic lettering was written at a bus stop in Schmalkalden. The Plexiglas pane of a display case read: “The unvaccinated are treated like Jews by Hitler” („Die Ungeimpften werden behandeld [sic!] wie Juden bei Hitler”) With this statement, the restrictions on the unvaccinated in the course of the measures against the corona pandemic are equated with systematic exclusion, disenfranchisement and murder of Jews during National Socialism.

Historical revisionist comparisons and equations like these are now part of the fixed repertoire of opponents of vaccination, conspiracy ideologists and protesters against the Corona measures. With such comparisons, the Shoah is put into perspective and the suffering of millions of Jews is mocked. In addition, the persecution of the Jews is exploited to present themselves as victims.

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