USA – Swastikas scrawled in Boro Park playground

Boro Park, Brooklyn, NY – A pair of swastikas was found scrawled on the planks of a park structure at Gravesend Park on 18th Avenue and 56th Street in Boro Park.

The discovery was made on the main playground at the park at 2:30 in the afternoon on Sunday, December 26.

“Despicable hateful symbols will not be tolerated in our neighborhoods, nor any other neighborhood for that matter.” Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein told Yid Info at the scene of the incident.

“Those responsible will be found and brought to justice. I want to thank Boro Park Shomrim for their swift response to this latest antisemitic incident.”

Boro Park Shomrim was immediately called to the scene and are working together with the police, who are currently investigating the antisemitic graffiti.

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