Germany – Antisemitic statements at gatherings related to the corona pandemic in Bavaria

In the wake of the massive growing number of gatherings related to the corona pandemic, there are still antisemitic statements.

RIAS Bayern has been aware of 15 anti-Semitic incidents related to the pandemic since December 1, 11 of which took place as part of such “Corona-demos”, two more on the sidelines or afterwards by participants. Since there are a lot of meetings taking place at the moment, it can be assumed that there is a large number of unreported cases.
The documented cases are primarily related to post-holocaust antisemitism. This is a form of antisemitism, which is expressed in particular in a denomination of the victims of the holocaust, or by equating the (actual or alleged) corona measures with the persecution and murder of the people Jews in the National Socialism.
A selection of antisemitic statements:
4.12 Neumarkt: A participant shows a sign with the inscription “Holocaust 2.0 Genius distraction maneuver of a corrupt failure policy and its lying press”.
7.12 Günzburg: A speaker and a speaker quote agreeable reports “from America” about that there the immunologist Dr. Fauci would compare with the KZ doctor Josef Mengele.
8.12 Munich: There will be signs with the inscriptions “Vaccination makes you free”, “Spraying holocaust”, “New world order? No thanks ! “as well as a yellow star shown with the inscription “unvaccinated”. One participant gives “Rockefeller, Rothschild and Co” – antisemitic numbers for “the Jews” – to blame the pandemic and the measures.
11.12 Aschaffenburg: One man is wearing a yellow bracelet with the inscription “unvaccinated”, another a yellow FFP2 mask with the same text on his arm. On a banner, “Jews” are lined up with “witches” and “unvaccine”.
11.12 Neumarkt: A man calls over a megaphone: “No concentration camps for the unvaccinated”.
13.12 Straubing: A person is wearing a bracelet with a so-called ‘Jewish Star’ with the inscription ‘unvaccinated’.
13.12 Weilheim: On a sign you can read: “So Jews and non-vaccinen are no longer allowed to shop.”
15.12 Munich: A man shows a sign with a photo from the entrance gate to the former concentration camp Theresienstadt. The inscription “Labor makes you free” above the gate has been changed to “Vaccination makes you free”. A woman’s sign says: “It didn’t start with gas chambers.”
15.12 Nürnberg: On a layered flyer, the antisemitic narrative of the “Lying press” is served. A passerby calls in the direction of the rally: “Mandatory now! “, a participant replied, “Do you want to persecute and gasp the Jews too?” “
In addition, historical revisionist motives were often spread, claiming that the vaccines were a “medical human experiment” and would violate the Nuremberg Codex. This one came from the Nuremberg medical processes, where doctors were convicted for pseudo-scientific experiments in concentration camps, among other things.
Source:  RIAS Bayern
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