Italy – Written against Jews on a sign along the Gothic Line path

Montignoso – “The Jews are the real virus” (“Il vero virus sono gli ebrei”): this is the writing that appeared on a sign dedicated to the paths and trenches of the Gothic Line, recently restored by CAI (Club Alpino Italiano) and Anpi (National Association of Italian Partisans) volunteers, al Pasquilio, a mountain locality in the municipality of Montignoso (Massa Carrara), in Lunigiana.

According to the CAI , the writing is recent, while the Anpi of Massa Carrara denounces, in a note, “the gravity of the episode that highlights the re-emergence in our country, of a dangerous nostalgic attitude, but concrete and real, which had the its peak in the attacks on Senator Segre, who had to be placed under guard by the state “.
“Together we also denounce the lack of respect for the history of our community – adds the Anpi – and the work done by men and women to leave us a symbol of memory that concerns everyone and we invite citizens to pay attention and condemn similar episodes with us “. The paths of the Gothic line are once again practicable thanks to a project of the Tuscany Region and the Province of Massa Carrara and thanks to the Cai volunteers who organize accompanied excursions.

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