Germany – Nazi victims exhibition attacked several times in one night

Memmingen – On Friday night in Memmingen, strangers smear “For Hitler” on an exhibition board that is supposed to commemorate the acts of the Naazis. They also spray a swastika. Another suspect damaged a plaque about Jewish life that same night.

The police arrested a young man who was drunk and bent an exhibition board on Martin-Luther-Platz. In addition, another perpetrator had smeared another exhibition board with red paint that same night.
The panels are part of an open-air exhibition about the traces that old and new Nazis (have) left in the region. The bent panel illuminates Jewish life in Fellheim. It was only when the police inspected the crime scene during the day that it was noticed that another plaque was smeared with the words “for Hitler” and a handprint. The board describes how the Nazis used the former animal breeding hall in Kempten as a stage. The area was also a satellite camp of the Dachau concentration camp.

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