UK – Millwall hooligans’ paste a ‘attention Jews’ poster

London – A “disgraceful” antisemitic poster put up by Millwall football hooligans has been removed by the club and reported to the British Transport Police.

The south London club took down a sign which had the words ‘Achtung Juden’ [attention Jews, in German], the Tottenham Hotspur symbol, and blood.
The poster included the symbol of hooligan group ‘Millwall Berserkers’, which has previously posted the neo-Nazi Odal rune on its Instagram page, a Nazi-style eagle and death threats to the left.
After saying the poster had been removed from a cycle path by its stadium, near South Bermondsey station, the club said: “Millwall Football Club has a zero-tolerance policy against discrimination of any kind.
“This is a disgraceful action which the club immediately reported to the British Transport Police. Millwall will provide them with full and comprehensive cooperation with their investigation and any individual or group identified will be banned from the club for life.”

Berserkers’ instagram page included an image of the odal rune (left) and a Nazi-style eagle (right)
Paula Griffin, who noticed the sticker and shared it on social media, said she has got “used to some pretty nasty stickers that the club apparently seems fit to leave there… Seems to have reached a new level of hate when people in England feel they can post up such antisemitic stuff as this.”
Spurs have a historic connection to the Jewish community, and rival London clubs have been accused of using antisemitic chanting and rhetoric, including the use of the term ‘yid’.
Millwall FC Supporters Club said it “abhors any such comment or content and that such material has not been produced or distributed by anyone with our knowledge. Whoever did so does not represent the Millwall fan base.”
The BTP have been asked for a statement.

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